Our family adventure to Big Bend National Park began with a long nine-hour road trip, full of anticipation, from our home in Houston to the ghost town of Terlingua. We rented a charming little house that would serve as our base for the next few days. The first night was spent exploring the eerie remnants of the ghost town, complete with abandoned buildings, mine shafts, and a spooky cemetery. The boys reveled in the spooky atmosphere, pretending that ghosts lurked around every corner, their imaginations running wild in the dusk-lit desert. Jason and I felt the golden hour light melt our stress away.

The next morning, we rose early to witness the sunrise over the majestic Chisos Mountains. The drive into the park was breathtaking, with every twist and turn revealing more of the park’s rugged beauty. Our first adventure was a six-mile round-trip hike known as the Window. This was the longest hike Evey had ever attempted, and he did remarkably well until the last few miles, where exhaustion took over and he cried the whole way back. Little E, our “expert hiker,” loved climbing the interesting rock formations, making the hike look like a piece of cake. Along the way, we encountered all kinds of amazing wildlife, making the trek even more memorable.

After the long hike, we decided to take a scenic drive through the park, ending at the Santa Elena Canyon overlook. The massive canyon wall on the US/Mexico border was a surreal sight, leaving us in awe of nature’s grandeur.

The following day, we embarked on a smaller hike to the Burro Mesa Pouroff, an easier yet equally beautiful trail. We then visited the fossil bone exhibit, where we marveled at dinosaur fossils from the park’s ancient past.

Our day continued with a drive to the hot spring trail on the other side of the park. We soaked in the warm springs, which was a relaxing contrast to our hiking adventures. Along the trail, we discovered ancient hieroglyphics, a fascinating glimpse into the history of the land.

That evening, we dined at the famous Starlight Theatre in Terlingua. Despite the long wait to get in, the delicious food and unique atmosphere made it worth every minute.

Our trip to Big Bend National Park was an incredible journey filled with stunning landscapes, challenging hikes, and unforgettable experiences. The boys’ excitement, the breathtaking views, and the shared moments of awe and discovery created memories that will last forever. This adventure reminded us once again of the beauty and wonder that lies in exploring the world together as a family.

Until next time,